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Digital photo download of original Mei Meii Art acrylic painting on canvas titled "Birds of Paradise." Inspired by fascination of the human body. The shape of the legs form a vase, where holds a Birds of Paradise flower between the knees. Fun fact about this artwork is that the blue lines are a smaller version of the same painting but with blue legs. Tape was used to co ear the painting under and repainting it bigger and centered in the canvas and with colors more calming and yet unnatural. The background is a gradient of black and teal with black borders and drips of gold and blue paint coming from the bottom towards the top.


 Available as JPG file. Link for download valid for 30 days only.

For personal use only, all rights reserved of original artwork by Mei Meii Art, Ink and Design.  Original artwork not available for sale. Accepting commissions for custom projects.

Birds of Paradise

SKU: 123
$3.99 Regular Price
$2.00Sale Price
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