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Featuring Live Painting by Mei!

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Check out this DJ Lineup...



Check out these highlights from our past shows!

 When I moved to LA in 2011 to pursue my artistic career, not knowing anyone, I started using social media as a way to have a public gallery to showcase my fine arts and tattoo skills while building my art profile. A few years later, the RAW Artists organization discovered me through Instagram. RAW Artists is a global network that does live events that features hand-selected independent artists in all creative genres: visual art, fashion & accessory design, craft, film, tech, music, performance art, hair & makeup artistry, and photography. Ever since then I've been doing shows with RAW in the So Cal and LA area and as a sort of snowball effect became noticed by local art organizations and promoters requesting to feature me at local art shows in Los Angeles and Southern California at Gallery Style shows, vendor art shows, private events, artist collabs, etc.

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    Mei Art, Ink & Designs

    (213) 249-4526

    4508 W Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA

    Thanks for Subscribing!

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